

美加科技-基础美加科技(MST)是一家提供设计和制造集成电路霍尔效应传感器的半导体技术公司。本公司于2003年在美国新罕布什尔州成立。MST有最先进的技术,最高的质量标准,最具竞争力的价格。我们还拥有最先进、最活跃的设计和制造团队,为客户提供技术支持。 美加科技-主旨MST这个名字,代表着有丰富的经验,务实的精神参与半导体的企业。MST拥有与霍尔技术合作超过30年的个体,从而使MST成为目前最有经验的霍尔效应传感器公司之一。MST在全球......


Testing Engineer

Post: Testing Engineer
Educational background: University
Work experience:5
Foreign language: Excellent
Post describes: •Development of complete test systems for mixed mode IC (analog & digital) that are in design-process
• Ensure that complete testability studies for new products are performed to support Kick-off
• Ensure that the test processes are developed in line with the test specifications in order to assure technical and quality target of the products
• Ensure that testing speed and Yield loss are improved to optimize production.
Post request: • University Degree in electronic or microelectronic engineering 
• Strong interest in electronics
• Fluency in English
Date: 01/07/2023